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5950 Frederick Crossing Lane, Suite100, Frederick, MD. 21704
Office: 301- 620 - 4100
HOURS: Saturday 8 am-12 pm
Frederick Maryland Chiropractor
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604 Solarex Court Suite 205 Frederick MD 21703 301- 620 - 4100
Frederick MD Chiropractor
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Frederick Chiropractor
Dr. Donald Berry DC Frederick MD
The Edge Mobility System.
This video demonstrates EDGE IASTM Assessment/Treatment for the Cervical Spine.
This system is designed to be used in a clinical setting for people that have pain with movement. We use the EDGE IASTM in our practice to help our pateints see quicker results.
The Edge Mobility System is an effective, and simple new manual therapy technique that is added to my skill set in treating my patinets. I believe instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is an effective manual therapy technique. I have witnessed the positive results from patients with my using this technique.
This video is produced by Erson Religioso III, DPT, FAAOMPT founder of the Edge Mobility System and is for educational purposes.
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