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Donald Blake Berry DC SFMA


604 Solarex Court Suite 205 Frederick, MD 21703

Mobile: 301-524-5583

Office: 301-620-4100

frederick chiropractic, frederick chiropractor, frederick md chiropractic, frederick md chiropractor

Chiropractor, Movement Restoration and Corrective Exercise Specialist
Chiropractor, Movement Restoration and Corrective Exercise Specialist
Professional info


Dr. Donald Berry DC SFMA is both a Chiropractor and an Extreme Athlete where he incorporates both knowledge of the anatomy; Neuromuscular Skeletal and also the performance as an athlete. Dr. Berry's hands on approach and methodology as a Chiropractor has enabled Doctor Berry to become a superior Movement Restoration and Corrective Exercise Specialist.


As a Movement Restoration and Corrective Exercise Specialist my goal is to bring healing and optimal body movement to help prevent future injury. Therefore, my technique crosses the lines between rehabilitation, conditioning and fitness. I study, follow, and am certified in the Gray Cook Functional Movement Systems which is a vital role of what I practice as a Movement Restoration and Corrective Exercise Specialist. The Gray Cook method provides a clear model and a common language under which fitness and rehabilitation professionals can work together. Gary Cook uses systematic logic and revisiting the natural developmental principals all infants employ as they learn to walk, run and climb, Gray forces a new look at motor learning, corrective exercise and modern conditioning practices, this is the model I use in my practice.






Functional Strength Coach

Edge Mobility System

Simple Contact

Ground Force Method




SRISD (Whiplash Injury, Biomechanics and Brain Traumatology)

Work experience


Berry Chiropractic Center.

1994 - present


Dr Donald Berry founded Berry Chiropractic Center in 1994. Dr. Berry's emphasis is in Core Performance and Functional Movement through exercise. Dr. Berry is also active in promoting health through exercise in his personal lifestyle as well in his community. Dr Berry instructs classes in both, Wing Chun and Kettlebells as well as Powerlifting, which is part of the Core Strength building technique he uses. Dr. Berry has opened classes to the Frederick community as well as communities outside of Frederick Maryland.  


Yalich Clinic.

1989 - 1994


Dr.Donald Berry was one of the top chiropractors at the Yalich Clinic which offers chiropractic, physical therapy and rehabilitation. 



AAU (Holds National Records)

CRCA (Chief Instructor)

ISCRS (International Society of Clinical Rehabilitation Specialist)

FTCA (Forward Thinking Chiropractic Association)

2010 - present

2010 - present

Logan University Chiropractic College.



Logan University is dedicated to maximizing human performance through innovative health education. Since 1935, Logan has remained grounded in chiropractic education—with the flagship Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. 

Logan University Chiropractic College Inner City Satellite Clinic.



Dr. Donald Berry's academic achievements and Chiropractic expertise in the Janda Technique at Logan University Chiropractic College gave him the honor and position to head Logan University Chiropractic College Inner City Satellite Clinic. 


University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC).



Dr. Donald Berry received his Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. 

International Society of Clinical Rehabilitation Specialist (ISCRS)


Membership is exclusive and involves :

  • Minimum 150 hours in approved courses in the rehabilitation field (i.e. McKenzie, DNS, Modern Spine Care, Pr McGill, FMS, Gary Gray Chain Reaction)

  • Completion of the online McKenzie Method

  • Skills Test*


Dr. Donald Berry follows the philosophy of  Dr. Karel Lewit from Prague of the ISCRS in his practice, "Lessons for the Future", stated by Dr. Lewit in his final thoughts:


“I am always aware of how many things which I taught in my long past have since been proved wrong. The most important attitude is, therefore, to be constantly aware that what you are doing and teaching now you will have to modify and correct in view of new facts. Thus you must keep an open mind for new knowledge, even if it sometimes shows that what you believed and taught before was wrong.” 


Maryland Chiropractic Association​
Forward Thinking Chiropractic Association.


FTCA is a group of 4000 Internationally based Chiropractors, evidence-based science driven. The Values of The Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance. Tenets our members stand for:


We are evidence-informed chiropractors who reject pseudoscience and encourage further learning of our craft and refinement of the known knowledge base.


We support and demand ethical behavior from our members and from our profession, We support altruism, accountability, excellence, and integrity.



Whiplash Injury, Biomechanics and Brain Traumatology

Spine Institute of San Diego


Dr. Donald Berry completed an extensive certification program of 50 hours, in the Whiplash Injury, Biomechanics and Brain Traumatology Certification Program by Dr. Arthur C. Croft, D.C., M.Sc., M.P.H., F.A.C.O. of the;  Spine Research Institute of San Diego  Dr. Arthur C. Croft is one of the world's leading scientists in this field and an award-winning speaker. This advanced certification program with Dr. Arthur Croft is the only one of its kind.

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